CricketForce day to be proud of
CC embraced Natwest CricketForce day over a beautiful
April weekend and came out in much better shape
than they started it. Many volunteer hours and
local generosity enabled the club to achieve so
much without breaking the bank.
Harewood Park pavilion received a thorough spring
clean as did the balcony courtesy of a power washer.
The changing rooms, sight screens and external
pavilion were all treated to a coat of paint as
part of the clean up effort.
visiting the club this year will also reap the
benefits of the day in the form of new hand dryers
in the toilets, a new bar glass washer and a new
water heater in the kitchen. The heater and one
hand dryer were donated and the glass washer was
purchased at cost price whilst labour for electrical
installation was provided free of charge for the
heater and glass washer as well.
the hard work put in by members and parents at
Plymptons Natwest CricketForce day has helped
give the club an excellent base for the new season.