Shake-up on cards for Narracott Cup


Abbotskerswell with the cup following their win over Bovey Tracey 2nd XI in last season's final


THE Aaron Printers Narracott Cup is in line for its first major shake up in years.

   The evening cricket competition, which started in 1951, has sailed serenely on doing its own thing despite the T20 revolution taking place in recent years.

   Following a meeting of member clubs at the South Devon CC pavilion in Newton Abbot, a number of rule changes will be put to next month’s annual meeting.

   First and foremost the antiquated practice of bowling 15 eight-ball overs per side is up for scrapping.

   Twenty over games – with the standard six balls each – will become the norm if the proposal goes through, however there was no enthusiasm at the meeting for coloured clothing and balls.

   “It is a lot of expense for what may only be one game as this is a cup, not a league like the existing T20 competitions,” said Dartington & Totnes captain Harold Stevenson, whose views were generally shared around the table.

   Deciding where to pitch the competition ability wise was the main topic of discussion and took the longest to decide.

   The cup started as a 1st XI competition for junior clubs, but allowed the 2nd XI of stronger town clubs such as Torquay, Paignton and South Devon to compete. What was fine in 1951 had become outdated with the advent of league cricket.

   Bovey Tracey, who were not able to attend the meeting, put in a written suggestion that the competition should be open to all teams of 1st XI status, irrespective of league positions.

   Paignton and Stoke Gabriel independently came up with similar propositions that the competition should be brought into line with the county-wide Corinthian Cup and open to any 1st XI playing in the Devon League B Division and below. The 2nd XIs of teams in the Premier and A Divisions would be allowed to enter.

   Ipplepen threw in a suggestion that the competition should be age limited, eg to U18s, U21s or U25s, but did not press it too hard. However, they were against allowing all 1st XI in as they have seen the problems that causes in other competitions.

   “We play in the Teignbridge T20 against the 1st XIs from Bovey, South Devon and Abbotskerswell, who are all too strong for us, said Pens’ Richard Hayman.

   “We play because it is a good experience for the younger players, and fun when you go to clubs like South Devon who make the effort to put on all the music and barbecues that you associate with Twenty20 cricket.

   “Longer term we would like to see a village division for the Teignbridge T20 so we can play against teams of our own ability. We have one competition now that is open to all 1st XIs, we don’t need another.”

  John Webber, who represented Stoke Gabriel, said it was in everyone’s interest to dovetail all the evening competitions so there was T20-type cricket for everyone who wanted it.

   Stressing that he was speaking in his club capacity, not as secretary of the Brockman Cup tournament for 2nd and 3rd XIs, Webber said excluding A Division 1st XI teams such as Abbotskeswell and South Devon from the Narracott Cup widened the scope of people who could play.

   “South Devon and Abboskerswell 1st XIs both play in the Teignbridge T20, so they have evening cricket for those teams already,” said Webber. “Paignton and Barton have the Torbay T20, so they are catered for.

   “The aim should be for evening cricket to be available to all teams who want it, which may mean making some changes in the other three competitions. It would be good if all four competitions could get together to discuss this.”

   Two more proposed changes to the eligibility of players were put on the table to general approval.

   Firstly, eligibility to play will be based on the status if a club and its players in the current season. Previously it was done on the previous campaign, which meant an A Division team relegated to the B Division could not play its 1st XI as they were ineligible en-bloc.

   Competition secretary Conrad Sutcliffe said: “If a team isn’t good enough to stay in the A Division why penalise them the following season? This is a tidying up exercise that is long overdue as we get problems almost every year because of it.”

   Another change going to be put before the annual meeting is to remove the clause allowing any youngsters eligible to play in the South Devon Youth League to play, irrespective of ability.

   Instead, any youngster aged under 18 on August 31 the previous season will be allowed to be registered. The change is designed to keep youngsters involved at a time when they can drift away from the game.

   An ECB directive requiring parental consent for U13s to play in adult games will be incorporated in the competition.

   A new treasurer has been lined up to replace long-serving Peter Cassells. She is Mrs Carol Comber of the South Devon club. Sutcliffe, who has been secretary for 11 years, is hoping to be replaced so he can go ‘upstairs’ to the job of chairman.

   Current chairman Barry Page-Dove is to be offered the new position of patron or president.

   A provisional committee of Webber (Stoke Gabriel), Adam Castle (Brixham), Geoff Read (Paignton), Mike Janes (Cockington) and Ken Jeffrey (Torquay) has been provisionally proposed.

   The annual meeting will take place at the South Devon CC pavilion on Tuesday, April 6 (7.30pm). New rules will apply for the season ahead. Any clubs with proposals for framing are asked to send them to the secretary by March 23.

   The draw for the first three rounds of next season’s competition (with provisional dates) is:


   First round: Kingskerswell v Bovey Tracey 2nd XI, Chelston v Paignton 2nd XI, Torquay 2nd XI v Cockington (May 6); Babbacombe v Abbotskerswell, Stoke Gabriel v Dartington & Totnes; South Devon v Brixham (May 13).

    Round two: Ipplepen v Torquay or Cockington, Babacombe or Abbotskeswell v Stoke Gabriel or Dartington & Totnes, Kingskerswell or Bovey Tracey v Barton (June 3); Chelston or Paignton v South Devon or Brixham (June 10).  

   Semi-finals : 1 - Ipplepen or Torquay or Cockington v Babacombe or Abbotskeswell or Stoke Gabriel or Dartington & Totnes Paignton CC, Friday, June 25); 2 - Kingskerswell or Bovey Tracey or Barton v Chelston or Paignton or South Devon or Brixham (Torquay CC, Tuesday, June 29).

   Final (at Stoke Gabriel CC, Friday, July 9).






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