What's it all about...........Chance
to Shine is a national charity on a mission to spread the power of
cricket throughout schools and communities. It takes cricket to new
places and uses it to ignite
new passions, teach vital skills, unite diverse groups, and educate
young people from Cornwall to Cardiff to County Durham. This is only
possible by working with the 39 county cricket boards across England and
the heart of every Chance to Shine project is a cricket club. We are
forging strong links between hundreds of primary and secondary schools
and their local cricket club. In Devon we have worked with in excess of
40 clubs around the county over the last nine years, helping the club
facilitate conversations to make sustainable links and build delivery
programmes for primary and secondary schools geographically close to
them. Clubs have been provided with a delivery budget to send coaches
in to run assemblies, competition and coaching sessions, with the end
goal that the kids are inspired to take up cricket and join the local
club. In 2014 alone we managed to get 130 new kids playing cricket in
clubs on a regular basis.