The ECB’s Physical Competency Model has been updated with a new testing manual. Devon EPP will carry out testing three times per year.

Players on the EPP have already begun to follow a home training programme in support of developing the physical competencies identified by the ECB.

The circuit included in the home training programme is outlined below. This includes the physical competency exercises and so may be useful as a session in itself or perhaps as a catalogue of exercises you may wish to incorporate into your sessions. A second home circuit is included by way of an example to make the exercises more challenging; nonetheless, all exercises should be performed with correct technique before they are made tougher.

Remember correct form is paramount to the aims of developing physical competency and so this circuit should be treated as a resource for coaches to use in their sessions at first while they can instruct and supervise players. Where coaches are unfamiliar with techniques, please seek advice. Caroline Atkins has been delivering the strength and conditioning on the EPP and would be happy to discuss the model or indeed any plans or suggestions you may have.

Physical Competency Exercise Circuit

Warm-up and then start at exercise number one and work through the ten exercises without rest. After the first lap, rest for 2 minutes and then repeat the circuit.

(follow below clockwise)

1. Glute Bridge (30secs)               

         2. Bodyweight Squats (15)

(rest 2 mins)

10. Lateral Lunge (8,8)

3. Swiss Ball Back Extension (8 x 3s hold)

9. Straight Leg Sit-Ups (8)

4. Press Ups (8-15)

8. Single Leg Calf Raise (8,8)             

5. Static Lunges (8,8)

7. Front Plank (30 secs)

6. Side Plank left & right (20secs, 20secs)

Start with 2 circuits and build up to 4. Perform this circuit training at least once per week but no more than three times per week.

Once players regularly achieve sound technique for 4 laps of the first circuit they should challenge themselves further with home circuit 2 (below). The stations have been progressed through increasing the repetitions or making the exercise harder, for example, progress from static to dynamic or from two legs to single leg and so on.

Home Circuit 2

Warm-up and then start at exercise number one and work through the ten exercises without rest. After the first lap, rest for 2 minutes and then repeat the circuit.

(follow below clockwise)

1. Single Leg Glute Bridge (6,6) 

         2. Bodyweight Squats (20)

(rest 2 mins)

10. Lateral Lunge (8,8)

3. Swiss Ball Back Extension (10 x 3s hold)

9. Straight Leg Sit-Ups (10)

4. Press Ups (8-15)

8. Single Leg Calf Raise (10,10)         

5. Forward Alternate Lunges (8,8)

7. Front Plank (45 secs)

6. Side Plank left & right (30secs, 30secs)

Start with 2 circuits and build up to 4. Perform this circuit training at least once per week but no more than three times per week.


Please encourage your players to improve their physical competencies in order to enhance their cricket performance. The merits of this are discussed below:

Athletes who have a basic level of physical competence will be ready for advanced training techniques to improve physical performance. For example if you cannot perform a squat with your hands behind your head it will not be safe to undergo loaded squats. This will prevent a player from performing this exercise that could otherwise be used effectively to improve leg strength and power and thus increase speed. Another example is the inability to hold a side plank for 90 seconds increases your risk of lower back injury. This may expose that player to greater injury risk as the intensity of cricket and the amount of cricket increases as this player progresses. In summary, limitations can affect an athlete’s ability to develop certain skills, perform intense physical training and increase injury risk.

Any questions, please contact carolineatkins@gmail.com

DCB Ltd, University of Exeter Sports Hall, Stocker Road, Exeter, Devon EX4 4QN Company Registration Number: 7024773

all content © Devon Cricket Board Ltd 2024    |    page edited by: julian.wyatt@devoncricket.co.uk    updated: 13/12/2010   |